Jordan Fabro
a.k.a. Dark and Stormy
Age: 33
Home Town: Calgary, AB
Favorite Trick: The Trick Where He Doesn’t Eat Hose
Rider Style: Just Do It
- He has a Degree!!!!
- Really, really good at hoverboarding
- Set record for most Flyboards on a Canadian body of water with Team CanFly, Alberta Flyboard and Canadian Jetpack Adventures, on Sept 24, 2015
- Placed 4th in the world in the 2015 Hoverboard World Championship Race, X-Dubai
- 2015 X Dubai Flyboard World Cup placed 39th

Jordan Fabro joined Team CanFly in his rookie year. Stepping on a board for the first time in May 2015, it was “Love at First Ride.” Since then he has fallen in love with flyboarding and continues to push the limits and learn every day.
The Hoverboard is Jordan’s weapon of choice. Born sideways, this is how he prefers to cruise along the water. Being a pioneer of the sport and just plain insane, Jordan excels on the Hoverboard where most riders shy away! The Hoverboard allows him the opportunity to be creative and dangerous all at the same time.